Grant Review Policies
Grant Panelist Policy
At least 2 R2AC board members, Designated Delegates, or current/former Anishinaabe Arts Initiative (AAI) Council members must serve on each grant review panel for Season/Series Arts Support Grants, Arts Access Grants, Artist Support Grants, and Artists Engage Community Grants.
Only current or former members of the AAI Council may serve on the Anishinaabe Arts Initiative Grant and Fellowship review panels.
Only R2AC board members or Designated Delegates will review and award the Community Arts Support Grant and the R2AC Artist Fellowship.
To ensure thorough preparation for a grant panel review, R2AC board members, AAI Council members, Designated Delegates, and Community Panel Members will be trained in the use of our online grants portal.
Designated Delegate
In the event of an unavoidable scheduling conflict, the board member who will be absent must contact a former R2AC board member from their county to act as a voting member in the business meeting and/or the grant review panel.
Community Panel Member
Any arts-interested community member living in our region may volunteer as a community panelist. R2AC staff will strive to find panelists with experience in a variety of arts mediums and performance styles, and/or experience in arts education, arts administration, or arts advocacy activities.
Conflict of Interest Policy
A conflict of interest exists if a Region 2 Arts Council Board member, AAI Council member, Designated Delegate, or Community Panelist
Serves, with or without pay, as an advisor or consultant to an applicant organization being reviewed.
Receives direct financial benefit from the applicant or grant proposal being reviewed.
Receives gifts, free tickets or any other favors or benefits from the applicant being reviewed.
Is unduly biased due to an adversarial relationship or personal affiliation with an applicant.
Has a familial relationship (beyond that of immediate family defined as spouse, domestic partner, parent, child, child’s spouse, brother, brother’s spouse, sister, or sister’s spouse) with an applicant.
Is an immediate family member of an applicant, grant writer, or project director. (Immediate family member is defined as spouse, domestic partner, parent, child, child’s spouse, brother, brother’s spouse, sister, or sister’s spouse).
Conflict of Interest Procedure
Any Region 2 Arts Council Board member, AAI Council Member, Designated Delegate, or Community Panelist with a conflict of interest relating to any grant application will declare this conflict prior to the grant review.
If a Board, Staff, or AAI Council member is the immediate family member of an applicant, grant writer, or project director, the grant will be deemed ineligible, the applicant will be notified, and the grant will be excluded from the grant review.
If a Board, Staff, or AAI Council member serves as an employee or governing board member of the applicant organization, the grant will be deemed ineligible, the applicant will be notified, and the grant will be excluded from the grant review.
If a Designated Delegate or Community Panelist is the immediate family member of an applicant, grant writer, or project director, or serves as an employee or governing board member of the applicant organization, the Designated Delegate or Community Panelist must declare a conflict of interest, but the grant will remain eligible.
During a grant review panel if an R2AC Board Member, AAI Council Member, Designated Delegate, or Community Panelist declares a conflict of interest, they will refrain from discussion of the grant application with which they have a conflict, leave the room or mute microphone and speakers, and abstain from scoring that grant application.
During approval of a grant review panel’s recommendations or during board grant reviews if a Region 2 Arts Council Board member or Designated Delegate declares a conflict of interest relating to any grant application being recommended for a grant award or grant application being reviewed, they will refrain from discussion of the grant review panel recommendations or any grant application with which they have a conflict, and abstain from scoring that grant application or voting when the grant review panel recommendations are presented to the Board for approval.
Online Grant Review Policy and Practices
The R2AC staff reviews each grant application to ensure eligibility before releasing it for review by the grant panel.
The grant review panel, comprised of any combination of Board members, AAI Council members, Designated Delegates, and Community Panelists, receive access to all eligible grant applications online at least two weeks prior to the grant review.
Any member of the grant review panel who declares a conflict of interest, whether personal or transactional, must declare that conflict of interest with R2AC staff as soon as the grant applications are available for viewing and commentary.
Staff will immediately inform all panelists of any declared conflict of interest.
All panelists may discuss the eligible grant applications with one another prior to the grant review meeting, unless they have declared a conflict of interest and then they may not discuss that particular grant application with other panel members.
Panelists with a conflict of interest will mark all responses as N/A on the online evaluation form and will leave the room during discussion of the grant application with which they have a conflict.
Prior to and during the grant review meeting, R2AC staff will point out any inaccuracies found in the information provided in a grant application, such as any math errors on the grant application’s budget.
Grant Review Procedure
The public is invited to observe grant review panels via Zoom, as are grant applicants; however, public commentary is neither allowed nor solicited during grant reviews.
Panelists must have a laptop or tablet and internet access to participate in the review panel. For in-person meetings, if a panelist does not have a laptop or tablet computer, R2AC will provide one for their use.
Board members, AAI Council members, delegates, and community panelists serving on the review panel must be part of the grant evaluation conversation, either in-person or remotely via phone or video conferencing, in order for their vote to be valid. If they are absent, or have stepped out of the room due to a conflict of interest, their vote will be entered as N/A.
There must be a quorum for the grant review to be valid. Staff will ensure that the majority of the designated group or quorum (a number greater than half of the grant review panel’s size) are in attendance. If a quorum cannot be reached, then the grant review will be rescheduled.
Staff will review the scoring criteria and the grant review procedures with the grant review panel prior to discussion of the grant applications and final scoring.
Each application is discussed in detail based on the scoring criteria. Discussion will be limited to information presented through the grant application. It is standard (and mandatory) practice not to allow anecdotal information during the grant review. Although panelists are instructed to be aware of and question their own biases in an effort to be fair in their evaluation and scoring, any perceived biases brought up during the grant panel review will be discussed openly and, if possible, resolved by the panel.
Staff will take notes during the grant panel discussion to summarize and share panelists’ comments with applicants upon request. (Grant review panels are not recorded.)
During the grant review panel, panelists access the grants portal to individually rate each grant based on the criteria and point system in the evaluation form. At that time, panelists may provide written comments or constructive criticism for the applicant about their application. The scores of each evaluator are averaged for each grant application to provide an average score and these averaged scores are ranked from the highest to the lowest. Grant money is awarded, in order of highest to lowest score, until the money is depleted. R2AC will not fund any application whose average score is below 65%.
Following the spirit of the open meeting law, all scores that are shared at a grant review meeting may be shared with anyone who makes a post-meeting request for the averaged score. It is standard R2AC practice to present the scores of grant recipients as part of the awarding process at the end of each grant panel review. Comments from panelists will continue to be shared verbally with any applicant who requests them.
In the event of a tie at the point where the grant money runs out, the R2AC Executive Director will divide the amount of remaining money available by the amount of the requests and will use this percentage to distribute the available funds to each applicant.
Example: Group A requested $1,000 and Group B requested $1,885 in grant money. They each received a score of 68% in the grants round. After all of the higher scored grants were funded, the remaining amount of money was $1,895. The tie occurred where the money available ran out.
Total amount requested by Groups A & B: $2,885
Total amount left to award: $1,895
Percent of request available: $1,895 / $2,885 = 65.68%
Group A: $1,000 request x .6568 = $657 award
Group B: $1,885 request x .6568 = $1,238 award
Fellowship grant application ties will be resolved with a show of hands.
After the grant panel has scored the grant applications, the scores and any funding recommendations are reported to the R2AC board in the next scheduled board meeting. A detailed discussion follows and then the motion to fund those recommended for grant awards is voted on.
Full Funding: A motion of full funding is made when a grant application is complete and eligible for funding in the form in which it was submitted.
Partial Funding: A motion of partial funding may be made when a change in the budget is deemed necessary by the board. When a motion for partial funding is made, a revised budget amount must be specified.
No Funding: The Board reserves the right to make a motion of “no funding” on any project based on their perception of the applicant’s readiness to fulfill the grant requirements as presented in the grant application, or on the quality of the work samples submitted with the application.
Notification Policy
Each applicant will be notified via email of the results of the grants review within five calendar days after the board approval date.
Fellowship awardees/grantees will be notified personally via phone call by R2AC staff.
Applicants that are awarded full funding for their proposed project plan will fill out and submit the required grant agreement/contract (and a W-9 tax form for individual grantees) within 30 calendar days of notification or the funds will be awarded to the next applicant in line for funding.
Applicants awarded partial funding will be assigned a change form, and asked to submit a revised budget which must be completed and returned within 30 calendar days of notification or the funds will be awarded to the next applicant in line for funding.
Applicants who wish to obtain feedback on their grant application following the grant review session may call R2AC and request the grant review panel’s comments, which will be shared verbally.
Appeals Policy
Any applicants who can show cause that established grant review procedures were not followed on their grant request may file an appeal. Appeals must be based on alleged procedural errors.
Appeals based on judgments of the grant criteria will not be heard. Applicants may only appeal their own grant for procedural errors.
Appellants must submit a formal letter of appeal to the R2AC Executive Director stating the reason(s) for the appeal. Letters of appeal must be received within 10 calendar days of written notification of the Region 2 Arts Council Board’s decision on the original application.