Grant Panelist
One of the ways Region 2 Arts Council seeks to involve community members in our funding decision-making process is by inviting them to serve on one of our Grant Review Panels! Each of our Grant Review Panels includes two of our board members or past board members (approved delegates) and six to eight community panelists. While we love to have artists, arts administrators, and past grantees on our grant panels to utilize their expertise, we also welcome community members with an interest in the arts. Perhaps you are an arts advocate, an arts appreciator and consumer, a hobby artist, or a citizen concerned that our arts funding is going to artists and organizations that will utilize it well and equitably in our communities – anyone over 18 years of age in our region can participate.
What to Expect
First of all you will need a computer or tablet with internet access. The Grants Manager will help you set up a login for our grants portal and will provide easy to follow video and written instructions as well as help if needed. You will have two weeks to log in and read all grant applications assigned to you, and view the work samples and documentation provided with each application. Using an evaluation form, you will rate the applications according to the criteria provided for each grant program. Then the panel will come together for a discussion. To facilitate people coming together over large distances in the comfort of their own homes, all of our Grant Review Panel discussions happen via Zoom, an online video conferencing service provider. Panel discussions start at 5:30 pm and usually last about 2 hours as we discuss each application. The dates are listed below to help you plan when you are available to volunteer with us.
Grant Review Panel Dates 2024-2025
10/08/24 Season/Series Arts Support Grant Review Panel (Max. award $18,000 per organization to provide arts programming/activities)
01/07/25 Arts Access Grant Review Panel (Max. award $6,000 per organization/group to provide an arts activity)
02/11/25 Artist Support Grant Review Panel (Max. award $2,000 to support an artist’s creative practice)
05/06/25 Artists Engage Community Grant Review Panel (Max. award $6,000 per artist to engage with community in an arts activity)
Fill out a Grant Review Panelist interest form or let us know you are interested by email, or text us at 218-407-2507