Artist Support Grant

for Individuals

PC ©Pam Edevold

Maximum Award: $2,000

Opens: November 15th 2024
Due: January 15th 2025
Online Grant Review: February 11th 2025
Earliest Start Dates: March 5th 2025

Application is open to artists and culture bearers living in the Minnesota counties of Beltrami, Hubbard, Clearwater, Lake of the Woods, or Mahnomen.

The R2AC Artist Support Grant Program, made available with funding from the McKnight Foundation, replaces our Individual Arts Grant program from prior years. This grant provides financial assistance to artists or culture bearers in any arts discipline or in any stage of their career as an artist. This grant offers funding  for costs associated with the exhibition, performance, or production of creative work, purchase of materials or equipment to create works of art, educational opportunities in the arts (excluding academic credit), and other opportunities to enhance your artistic development, such as working with a mentor artist, attending a national conference, taking part in an artist residency program, or marketing yourself or your work. Artists can apply for grants up to $2,000.

Watch a video about how to create an account on our grants portal
or jump right in and create an account and apply online

Helpful Videos
Artist Support Grant Overview (40 min)
Work Samples (15 min)
Artist Resume/Bio (10 min)

Eligible artists must be 18 years or older, in any stage of their artistic career, and reside in Beltrami, Hubbard, Lake of the Woods, Clearwater, or Mahnomen County. Check out the eligibility questions. If you can answer true to all these questions, then you should be eligible to apply. If you answer false to one of the questions, or have questions of your own, contact us to discuss eligibility.

The Grant Application
The online grant application will ask a series of questions – eligibility questions, questions about demographics which we use for reporting to the Minnesota State Arts Board and the McKnight Foundation, and questions based on our scoring criteria. This is a project-based grant and you will need to provide an estimated budget for your project. There are also pieces needed for the grant application which you should gather before you apply, such as work samples (Work Sample Submission Policy), an artist statement, and artist resumes.

Last Year’s Artist Support Grant Application (Sample only – cannot be submitted – only online submissions are accepted)