In Honor of MMIR

February 14th, 2025 R2Arts will be joining the In Honor of MMIR march from NWICDC to BSU in Bemidji.

Join us as we gather together to honor our relatives through a march. Wear red and bring your signs.

9 AM - 10:45 AM
Sign making at NWICDC.
Supplies provided, as well as a light breakfast and beverages.
11 AM - 11:30 AM
March from NWICDC to BSU Beaux Arts Ballroom.
11 :30 AM - 3 PM
Program at Beaux Arts Ballroom

In partnership with Mending the Sacred Hoop, Indigenous Environmental Network, Aazhoomon & Council of Indian Students BSU.

Contact MMIW218 Facebook Page with any additional questions.

Photo credits: Lense Lily Photography


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