National Arts Links

  • National Endowment for the Arts

    Grants to organizations that serve the needs of and enhance opportunities for artists and their audiences.

  • National Museum of the American Indian

    Visual and Expressive Arts Grants. The NMAI awards grants to nonprofit or education-based organizations.  Eligible applicants may include community art centers, artist-run galleries, museums, arts organizations, and education-based organizations, such as college or university galleries or museums.

  • United States Artists

    “We partner with foundations, philanthropists, and field leaders to expand support for artists and cultural practitioners across the country.”

  • Art Place

    ArtPlace is a collaboration of top national foundations, the National Endowment for the Arts and various federal agencies to accelerate creative placemaking across the U.S.

  • NFYA Source

    New York Foundation for the Arts extensive directory of arts awards, services and publications for artists.

Creating a thriving arts community that enhances our quality of life.