Board Of Directors
If you recognize that the arts are valuable to the quality of life in North Central Minnesota, we invite you to consider becoming a Board Member. Our ten-member Board is comprised of two representatives from each of the five counties that we serve:
Beltrami, Clearwater, Hubbard, Lake of the Woods, and Mahnomen.
Much of the Board’s activity revolves around policy-making, budgeting, understanding and connecting with the communities we serve, and awarding and approving panel recommendation for arts grants to our region’s organizations and artists.
The Region 2 Arts Council operates in the spirit of the open meeting law.
Meetings are currently split between in person and zoom, especially to acknowledge the challenge of winter driving conditions. Meetings are typically held on the 3rd or 4th Thursday of the month and can vary in meeting time so please check our website for current dates and times.
Board members are encouraged to join our community panels in reviewing grants. Grant reviews occur most often on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Terms are for two years, renewable for two additional terms (for a total of six years)
Members of the Board
Anna Larson
Mahnomen County Representative (Chair).
Larson is excited to support Region 2 Arts Council’s vision to improve quality of life through the arts. Anna’s father is a watercolorist, cartoonist and multi-media collage artist who encouraged her artistic potential by taking Anna to art fairs and painting with her in his small basement studio. She furthered this artistic inspiration through an MFA in creative writing (poetry thesis) and brings a varied artistic interest in film, poetry, painting, oral interpretation and music, to name a few. Anna currently serves on a Native Neighbors Bridge Building Table with the ELCA Northwest Synod as secretary while living on the agricultural westside of White Earth Reservation – living in and with the tensions and dynamic gifts of a cross cultural setting. As an Interfaith Universal Life Church minister, Anna also contributes a strong, person-centered approach to our work. In her words, ” Art must have both natural and human centered-value. A reciprocal, give-and take spirit builds people up and fosters collaboration and belonging. I have a person-centered approach to the value of art rather than “object” centered while maintaining high aesthetic standards for public spaces.” We are excited for her presence and contribution toward on-going efforts to build greater Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in our systems, processes and programming.
Nancy Schmidt
Hubbard County Representative (Treasurer).
“I have been a resident of the Bemidji area and Northern Hubbard County since 1993. In addition to the natural beauty of the area, I love all the creative ways people express themselves through art, music theatre, and traditional crafts. I love that the voters of Minnesota chose to support all these pursuits through the Legacy funds and I am thrilled to be a part of helping artists from all walks of life to fulfill their visions and keeping rural communities vibrant and interesting.”
Terry Boal Leinbach
Beltrami County Representative. (Vice Chair)
“My husband and I moved from Michigan, bought land and built our home north of Blackduck in 1975. I worked at Head Start for forty years in Blackduck. I supervised the center for thirty five of those years. I was assistant Director of the Bi-Cap Head Start program for one year when the director took a leave of absence. I feel like I have a good relationship with the community. I retired in 2015. I went to college at Olivet a small liberal arts college in Michigan where I majored in Art and Literature. I have spent my retirement gardening and painting and doing Fiber work. I look forward to engaging Northern Beltrami in the arts.”
Bonnie Friborg
Clearwater County Representative.
Bonnie Friborg is a lifelong resident of Clearwater County. Her motivation for serving on the Region 2 Arts Council Board of Directors is fueled by her hope to bring more art experiences to our schools and communities. She is interested in many art forms, one of which is being a fabricator of metals and rock, the result of which is original jewelry, made with her own cabochons of semi-precious rocks, granite, and even driftwood. She is a dedicated member of the Bagley Area Arts Collaborative, and she recognizes the strength of having the arts available to all. Bonnie Friborg feels strongly that creativity is a process, and that the arts can be a welcoming place, a place where everyone belongs.
Shawna Wendler
Lake of the Woods County Representative. (Secretary)
Shawna Wendler, representing Lake of the Woods County, is honored to serve on the R2AC board. It is her mission to promote and encourage more art and art opportunities throughout the community, county, and region.
Born and raised in Alaska she visited family on the homestead in Lake of the Woods often growing up and has lived in the area for over twenty years. Shawna is currently a reporter for the local newspaper and welcomes the opportunity to promote art and artists, as well as Region 2 Arts Council grant opportunities, and more.
Together, she and her husband have five children and one grandchild.
Shawna, her husband, and their children all enjoy creating art in various forms and mediums, attending performing arts, and other opportunities to explore art, history and cultural events across the state.
Georgia Connelly
Hubbard County Representative.
I’ve always loved art and creative expression of all kinds and have an Art degree.Since retiring from a career in early childhood education I’ve been able to spend more time painting and experiencing the local Art scene.I’m excited to be a member of the Arts council board and to learn more about the areas varied and vibrant Art community.
Laurie Turner
Mahnomen County Representative.
Laurie grew up in the Blackduck area, earned a BS in Elementary Education with a History minor from Bemidji State and a Masters of Education from UW-LaCrosse. While growing up in a close-knit family who excelled in their own talents, Laurie was able to find her own creative niche in a variety of areas. Her husband, Laurie and their two sons lived in Michigan’s UP and in southwest Wisconsin before “coming home” to northern Minnesota. As a family, they were able to enjoy the beauty of nature and the talent of others who exhibited their various artistic skills. Through their children, Laurie and her husband added in the performing arts in the form of musicals and plays, drama and speech, as well as photography, sculpture and drawing. By meeting others, their world grew exponentially, daily encompassing yet more variations of art. "We can learn from everyone we meet" Laurie states. “I feel that everyone is an artist, often they don’t realize it. Those talents need to be nurtured and celebrated, exposure to the various forms is so necessary, starting as young as possible.”
While working as a teacher, Laurie was able to help to write grants to help bring visiting authors, illustrators, and poets to their school and it was amazing to see children as they experienced the process. The time and effort put in, and the continuing struggle to achieve more by those talented people was introduced. She notes that it’s important to bring these kinds of events to this area and celebrate the artists that we do have here and allow them to showcase their skills. "Art tends to be historical as well, and we need to continue to learn from the past to have a brighter future." Laurie and her husband live in Mahnomen County where she is involved with the Mahnomen County Historical Society Board, the Blackduck Area History and Art Center, and the Beltrami County Historical Society.
Chelsea Ottoman-Rak
Beltrami County Representative
Chelsea Ottman Rak (she/her/hers) is proud to represent Beltrami County on the Region 2 Arts Board. She is passionate about promoting art of all forms that align with her values of inclusion, authenticity, humility and love. She looks forward to the opportunity to uplift the creative visions of local artists to boldly share their truth across cultures, generations and socio economic groups.
Chelsea has experience working with local non profit organizations, and is motivated to continually seek opportunities to bring diverse sectors together to foster reflective, holistic artistic expression.
Chelsea was born in Turtle River to a couple of hippies. She’s lived in the area on and off again ever since, somehow always pulled back to this beautiful landscape, familiar faces and special community commitment to the arts. She lives with her husband and their four children, and dreams of expanding opportunities for families to engage in the arts together. Chelsea enjoys creating art by writing, playing ukulele and guitar, singing, drawing, watercolor painting, puppetry, acting, photography and collage. She has a Masters degree in elementary education and has completed coursework ranging from design, ancient Chinese art and integrating art in the classroom. Locally she has taken classes to learn birchbark and quillwork, abstract acrylic painting and pottery. She loves learning new art forms, especially when she can share the experience with her family.
Linda Brown
Clearwater County Representative
Born and raised in the Minneapolis area, I came to Bemidji in 1975 to attend BSU. I fell in love with the northwoods and never really left, earning a BFA from BSU with a K-12 art education certificate and an MFA from UND. Primarily a metalsmith, I create one-of- kind and sculptural jewelry art where form does not necessarily follow function.
I taught at BSU for several years, was involved in the groundwork for and taught at TrekNorth High School its first 2 years, and most recently retired after teaching at Clearbrook Gonvick High School for 8 years.
Presently residing in Clearbrook, I look forward to helping promote the arts and the artists of R2AC.
Vacant Position
Lake of the Woods County Representative
This position on the board is open.
If you recognize that the arts are valuable to the quality of life in North Central Minnesota, we invite you to consider becoming a Board Member. Our ten-member Board is comprised of two representatives from each of the five counties that we serve: Beltrami, Clearwater, Hubbard, Lake of the Woods, and Mahnomen. Get the Application here!